Even More Las Vegas

Well, we sure had our fill of Las Vegas. Maybe? I think Mom spotted some trouble she could get into and might want to come back sometime with “just the girls.” She actually had some time to herself at the hotel pool on the last day, as the boys and I went to MGM Grand to collect our tickets for Cirque du Soleil’s Ka, watch and give our opinion on a CBS pilot TV show, have lunch, and find an ice cream. We met Mom back at Mandalay Bay to have dinner at the House of Blues, which was probably the nicest meal we had in town. The meal and atmosphere at the Venetian was also fantastic, but the service was poor enough to notice. We all really enjoyed Ka, and Mom wanted to have one last  outing before leaving town so e found a bierhause back from the sidewalk far enough that we could be away from the crowds (and play some over-sized Jenga).

Among her 60 pounds of luggage, Mom managed to find some room for some pretty nice dresses, which made their appearances here in Las Vegas, which was nice.