now THAT is a windy road!

Travel Day #24: Napa Valley

I’d gotten up early to conquer the tricky driveway at Cousin Aaron’s San Francisco suburb and still leave on time, despite the late outing the night before. Our main destinations were 2 Napa Valley wineries whose websites reported they were kid-friendly. As it turned out, the boys were tired and just as happy to chill/nap in the RV while we visited and tasted at both wineries. As long as the boys behaved, we were happy to leave them, as we knew they’d be bored watching us taste wine, anyway – we were just standing at counter tops talking to the hosts. So we had quiet leisurely visits, and really enjoyed ourselves. We tasted whites and reds ranging in price from $18 to $150 per bottle. With the prices generally above our normal wine budget (remember my free bottle from the first shopping day?) plus the 6-bottle minimums plus the shipping charges, we elected not to buy anything. We just enjoyed the locations and the experience, instead. The owner of the first place had taken great pains to build a replica of a medieval castle, which we toured, and the second place was a nice estate with a scenic walk around the pond. After both visits, there were no broken bones in the RV, and we got to our campground right on the edge of Clear Lake at a decent time to have a leisurely dinner and do a load of laundry. We declared the day a success.

Published by

Dad (Primary Planner & Driver)

Dad Sides. I might be crazy to buy an RV, take a 5-week vacation, and travel 5,500 miles... but very seldom does great reward come without at least SOME risk... so "here goes nothing!"