Travel Day #18: Leaving Las Vegas

There’s not much to say about this travel day. We left early, so that we could make our stops and still arrive in Anaheim, CA before 9:30pm. However, it turned out that most of the stops were so unremarkable, I just drove right past! It’s okay. With heavy (but manageable) traffic the entire 250 miles, we were just as happy to put our feet up at the campground and prepare ourselves for what we hope will be a nice long day of fun at Disney.

Not only have we had a taste of California traffic, but also an idea of the smog, as well. It cut the visibility down to less than a mile, at times!


Published by

Dad (Primary Planner & Driver)

Dad Sides. I might be crazy to buy an RV, take a 5-week vacation, and travel 5,500 miles... but very seldom does great reward come without at least SOME risk... so "here goes nothing!"