The Route

The monster planning task is almost done! I’ve marked about 100 things to see/do over the course of our 30-day drive covering ~5,400 miles.
– the flights to/from Seattle are booked
– overnight reservations are confirmed at nearly 2 dozen different places
– equipment has been arriving by mail at the RV (kitchenware, grill, outdoor chairs, etc.).
I can hardly believe it….

I used a website called to map the route.  Since they have a limit of 60 waypoints per map, I had to use two “trips” to cover the whole route. I made the trips public, so you can interact with the map, get details on each of the waypoints, see what days we’re scheduled to be where, and everything.

Click the images below to go to the website and get the interactive map. Trip Part 1 Trip Part 1 Trip Part 2 Trip Part 2

Oh! I made a consolidated itinerary to print and keep with me in the cockpit. At a glance, it’ll tell me what’s next, how far away it is, and what time we need to leave in order to make it to that night’s overnight reservation. If we don’t make it, we’ll have to find a new campground or, more likely: a place to park and sleep (a rest stop, a store parking lot, or the side of the road somewhere).


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Dad (Primary Planner & Driver)

Dad Sides. I might be crazy to buy an RV, take a 5-week vacation, and travel 5,500 miles... but very seldom does great reward come without at least SOME risk... so "here goes nothing!"