
More Las Vegas

Here are some more pictures of Las Vegas. We went to see Blue Man Group and absolutely loved it! Then we walked the strip to see the sights.

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Dad (Primary Planner & Driver)

Dad Sides. I might be crazy to buy an RV, take a 5-week vacation, and travel 5,500 miles... but very seldom does great reward come without at least SOME risk... so "here goes nothing!"

One thought on “More Las Vegas”

  1. Looks like Vegas has been a great hot spot for you guys so far!! Great job in getting everyone back on track in time to enjoy rest of trip but I knew you both had it in you!! One question lurking that I have of course is did Cheryl ever find the drink on the menu and better yet did she ask them for the recipe to make herself when she gets back?? Lol…. Miss Sandy

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